Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Seven years ago the word handmaiden was spoken over me.  I remember it very clearly.  My MIL was praying for me in the living room of her old house.  She said something about me being the Lord's handmaiden.

Okay??!!  What does that mean.

I remember going home and looking up the word.  "Servant of the Lord."  Hmmm....

Am I going into ministry?  What does it mean to be a servant of the Lord?  Is He going to send me on a mission trip?

I literally had not clue what this meant.  Shortly after the prayer by my MIL, I remember the movie "Passion of the Christ" came out.  Two times the word handmaiden was used in the movie.  This time it was in relation to Mary being a handmaiden of the Lord.

Okay.  Does this mean I'm going to bear godly children?  That I'm going work with pregnant people?  Once again I was perplexed by this word.

Over the past 7 years this word has been spoken over my life numerous times.  Too many times to count actually.  Just this past January the word was brought up again by a dear friend of mine.  I tried looking for her email, but I was only able to find my response to it.  Basically she told me the Lord wanted to remind me again that I am his handmaiden and that he has a plan for me.  

This is the exact email I sent back to her, "Thank you for sharing about the handmaiden thing.  I find it interesting that the Lord keeps using this word in my life (it's been 7 years now!!) yet I still have no idea how it's going to play out.  I want to know!!!  I'm working hard at trusting the Lord.  Some days are better than others.  Last year I was committed to listening to worship or teachings instead of the radio and this year I'm committed to diving into the Bible."

Are you ready for this???

Are you sure????

Did you know that NURSES used to be called handmaidens to doctors!!!

Collect yourselves now.  Hold it together.  I nearly fell out of my chair as well.  And then I said, "I get it!!!  Lord, I finally get it!!!"

I have felt called to nursing for years, but now it all makes sense.  Stumbling upon this information, while I was doing homework for nursing school, has brought a lot of confirmation and confidence to my life.

The Lord does have a plan for me!  He is in control and I am walking in his will.  Can I get an AAAAAAAAmen!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW- I love it!! Finally, it makes sense...I have a big smile on my face for you and for how the Lord encourages His children. :) can't wait to celebrate your nursing accomplishment soon!
